May 24, 2013

Finding Your Muse

Below is a great article from Brain Pickings reviewing a book on productivity for creative types. The key point is, “don’t wait for your muse to show up!” If you want to make money off your artistic pursuits, you cannot wait around for inspiration to strike. It will never be the ideal time to write your next novel or finish the one you’re working on. You have to force yourself to sit down and write something.

I was recently finishing up a short film and we had a screening coming up in about 12 hours but we weren’t finished with post-production. My composer was stuck on the final scene. Nothing he tried seemed to be working and he kept getting more and more frustrated. But he stuck with it. He kept making music until he found something that worked. It wasn’t a light bulb moment or a case of sifting the Internet and taking a stroll until something hit him. It was simply working through the problem, approaching it from angle after angle and not stopping till he found a fit. That kind of grit is what separates those that are successful and create engaging work from those that remain mere hobbyists.

I have this romantic notion that I keep coming back to, that our minds are constantly operating on a higher level of understanding than we are ever consciously aware of. I believe that creative insights, truly meaningful and original breakthroughs, come from breaking through that wall of consciousness and into that level of understanding, into our own thoughts. But you can’t get there through pedestrian observation; you have to hammer at it, work for it, and dig into the problem. You have to be your own muse.

Give the article a read, it makes some great points.

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